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ankle and leg painSciatica refers to pain that starts in the low back and extends down one or both legs. It usually gets worse with periods of sitting or standing. While sciatica can strike anyone, it most often affects pregnant women, those with diabetes, and people who are obese.

Typical Symptoms

  • Hip pain
  • A tingling or burning feeling down the leg
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot
  • Continual pain that affects one side of the buttocks
  • A shooting pain that makes it uncomfortable to stand up

Our Natural Approach

Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve sciatic discomfort by improving joint motion in the lower back. At your consultation, we’ll let you know if we think you can benefit from our care, or if another healthcare practitioner can better address your sciatica.

At HealthyWays Integrated Wellness Solutions, we build a comprehensive plan of care for each patient that goes far beyond chiropractic adjustments. Our chiropractors will also provide expert rehabilitative care, including soft tissue work, manual therapy, massage gun, and increasing your range of motion. We may also recommend shockwave therapy, bracing, or trigger point injections from our medical team, depending on your needs.

We’re big on the healing benefits of proper supplementation. One of our team members experienced significant pain down one leg due to her diabetes. She still can’t get over the way supplements have completely cleared her discomfort, restoring her to an easygoing approach to life.

Enjoy the Benefits of Healing

Many patients experience a huge improvement in functioning within their first few visits. Since sciatica is a chronic biomechanical injury, it’s essential to complete your entire plan of care, even after acute pain clears up. We want to see you thriving for a long time, instead of cycling through discomfort.

One patient came into our office nearly bent in half due to overwhelming pain. The next time we saw him, he was standing upright and able to get out of bed without crawling. He continues to see us for a monthly tune-up, and he’s been standing straight ever since!

Book Now

You should radiate happiness, not pain. Schedule your visit today.


Sciatica Relief Gibsonia, McCandless & Allison Park PA | (724) 444-6644